Maximizing Value Stream 

From By-Products to High-Value Ingredients

Unlocking the potential of food side streams, horticulture, insect farming, and aquaculture, we’re creating sustainable, high-quality ingredients — transforming waste into value, one innovation at a time.

Food Side Streams

We transform food by-products into high-value ingredients using our sustainable drying methods, reducing waste while enhancing the nutritional quality and shelf life of diverse food applications.


Upcycling low-grade fruits, vegetables, and herbs into premium, nutrient-rich products, our drying solutions preserve their natural flavor, color, and nutrients for longer shelf life and better usability.

Insect Farming

Our sustainable drying solutions process insect-based proteins like Black Soldier Fly larvae and crickets into nutrient-dense, high-quality food, animal feed, and pet food, contributing to a more eco-friendly food system.


Turning fish waste into valuable, nutrient-rich animal feed and food products, our technology supports sustainable aquaculture by ensuring efficient drying and nutrient retention while minimizing waste.