As the world gradually turns away from fossil fuels to clean energy. Biomass is rapidly replacing coal and fossil fuels in power plants through government legislation as countries move to comply with UN’s Sustainability Development Goals (SDG).

SINGNERGY patented SQ Super-Quick drying technologies combine heat and compression in seamless design to intensify the drying process, maximizing drying efficiency while minimizing energy consumption, resulting in the effortless conversion of wet organic waste into stable and non-offensive dried products in less than 18 minutes which can be stored for long durations to be used as and when required.

With the Super-Quick Drying technologies, maximum calorific values from the biomass can be retained due to the very short heat contact time.

Food wastes, agricultural wastes, wet wastes from food processing plants, animal and livestock manure. We turn them from high-cost disposal burdens to high-value new sources of revenue.

Food Waste

The conversion of wet organic waste into renewable resources in the form of refuse derived fuel (RFD) is becoming more prominent due to the depletion of natural resources as well as the increase in waste generation.

Conventional methods of food waste treatment such as incineration and landfills are proving to be pollution creation and inefficient.

SINGNERGY dryers produce biomass of exceptional calorific value. The brief heat contact duration retains the highest possible heat energy from wet organic feedstock, producing superior biomass for energy generation processes.

An efficient drying system in the management of food waste lowers the environmental burden of food supply chains while providing an additional value stream, reduces carbon footprint of existing processes, reduces dependency on fossil fuels and fundamentally satisfying cradle to grave concerns.

High quality biomass can be used to more efficiently generate electricity via on-site gasification systems to be utilized on site or with the excess returned to the grid.

Agricultural Waste

Agricultural wastes from agro-based industries, such as palm oil, paper mill, rubber, and wood processing factories have increased exponentially over the years, making it a huge source of raw material for sustainable renewable energy.

Power generation from crop-based biomass fulfills energy needs in various industries. The need of the hour is to adopt sustainable technologies and use it to maximize the biomass energy potential.

SINGNERGY dryers efficiently converts crop residues from waste to biomass. This unparalleled efficiency and heat energy retention makes it the ideal partner to produce biomass for power generation purposes.

Animal Manure

Animal or livestock manure can be processed into biomass for the generation of heat and electricity to be used on the same farm which generates them.

Traditional and common methods of farm waste management have several negative aspects associated with them. Stock pollutants such as CO, SOx, NOx, PAHs, and aerosols are emitted, which accumulates in the atmosphere, expanding into regional impacts. Similarly, crop burning decrease soil fertility.

REVOZ and Hyper-X dries animal manure rapidly, eliminating olfactory nuisances while sanitizing the wet feed-stock at the same time.

The biomass produced from SINGNERGY dryers has almost double the calorific value compared to biomass which had been sun dried for several days.

SINGNERGY's technologies allows for small, compact, land-saving and energy-efficient Wet Organic Waste-to-Green Energy solutions on-site.