Hydroxide Sludge

Mixed Industrial Sludge

Palm Oil Sludge

disruptive technology

There are 4 types of water within sludge, namely free water, interstitial water, surface water and intracellular water, which are not easily tackled simultaneously with conventional drying technologies.

Mechanical dewatering can only remove free water while many conventional thermal drying technologies can only take in wet substances at a relative low moisture content, ie 75 %mc drying over long hours, consuming a huge amount of energy.

SINGNERGY's patented SQ, Super-Quick drying technologies are unique to combine thermal evaporation and mechanical compression to deal with all the water components simultaneously, maximizing water removal rates within 18 minutes.

This drastically reduces energy consumption and increases throughput efficiency.

versatility in applications

  • Ability to handle almost all kinds of organic and inorganic sludge such as sewage sludge, palm oil sludge, paper sludge, food sludge, biogas residual, digested manure, petrochemical and hydroxide sludge etc.

  • Suitable for a variety of applications such as sludge reduction prior to incineration, combustion and gasification, producing refuse-derived fuel (RDF), raw material for cement plants etc.

superior distinction

  • Takes in wet substances up to 86% moisture content.

  • Delivers a consistent partial to fully dried sludge, from 65% to below 10% moisture content.

  • Saves more than 35% energy consumption compared with conventional technologies.

  • Dried output are stable and non-offensive and can be stored over long durations and used only when required

increasing value in drying

  • Handles difficult sludge with ease - hydroxide sludge, scheduled sludge or oily sludge characteristics are usually difficult to handle with conventional technologies.

  • Substantial sludge volume reduction up to 75%, reducing storage requirements, disposal frequency and transportation costs, translating to huge cost savings.

  • Rapidly stabilizes the sludge by reducing olfactory nuisance while also improving sanitization.

  • Turn high organic content sludge such as palm oil sludge, paper sludge, food sludge into a good alternative fuel.

  • Optimum dried refuse-derived fuel (RDF) combinations can be a low-cost fuel, excellent renewable energy catered for the sustainable future.